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  • This is the section where we would like to hear opinions from you, the visitors of our site. All messages will be posted here on this page, if we think that they are apropriate, with no swearing or anything. ;) Send us your thoughts on the SNES, why it is better than any other console out there, or why it isn't. Absolutelly anything related to SNES. Thank you.

    Send your thoughts to either Lord Nazerous, SuperNES Man, Chrono Digger, or Z.L.O., and help us make a success of this section!

    The newest additions to this section are at the top of this page.

    SNES rules!

    Megan wrote (01/07/01):

    I am not ashamed to tell anyone that I prefer SNES over any game system they have on the market now. All those fancy games are hard for me to play, i.e. the controler buttons. With the SNES buttons they are convenient and on most games you never have to reposition your fingers, you know what I mean? My all time favorite game for SNES is Super Mario World. I'm in love with Mario :) My boyfriend literaly has to unplug me to get me off the game. No game system on the market will ever replace -or- the SNES system. Long live SNES!!! My system is discolored as well. Both times that I have owned one they were used and I thought that was the way they came out. I was wrong, just shows how much it was loved, right? Well I'm going to stop now because if I don't I'll probably sing the praises of SNES all nite long. Thank you. And where can I find some really good tips on Super Mario World? They just aren't out there with all those fancy machines.

    Z.L.O. says:

    Thank you for writing to us Megan. You certainly look like another happy SNES user. :-) We are glad to hear that you are enjoying one of the best (no, the best!) console ever made. For some Super Mario World tips I suggest you head to these two sites and look around in their SNES sections:

    Games are too commercial now...

    Jake Vinson wrote (01/31/00):

    I just read through the mailbag and saw a lot of people saying that PSX sucks. I was about to defend Playstation, because it has great RPGs such as Wild Arms, Lunar: SSSC, and Star Ocean: The Second Story, but then I realized that all of those games could be done on SNES, they just were released on Playstation because it would sell. But if you rip the videos, digital audio, and 3D battle scenes, you have a Super Nintendo game. And none of those games compare with greats like EarthBound, Final Fantasy 2, Final Fantasy 3, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Super Mario RPG, etc. The list goes on.

    However, after reading through the site, one depressing realization finally sunk into my head. The times that I used to be glued to every issue of Nintendo Power waiting for the next big game are over. I have an N64 and a PSX, but nothing that comes out anymore has me counting the days until its release. I remember spending $59.99 on Final Fantasy 3 and to this day I consider that to be one of my best purchases ever. When I buy a new game now, I can resist shredding the package open and excitedly sitting way too close to the television while playing for 10 hours straight. Games are too commercial now, and I fear that the SNES will be the last system to have the magic that kept all of us playing for months on end.

    Lord Nazerous says:

    I know exactly what you mean. Many of the new games out there, I will admit, are great games. Maybe it's the hype or the total lack of an accurate release date, but I'm never intently looking forward to new releases like I was back in the days of the SNES.

    I've yet to find a game that pushes the limits of its respective system like the DKC series or vast RPGs that crammed every once of gameplay they could in a cartridge. I'm no longer impressed with how well a game is played or the depth of its graphics.

    Strange that you should mention Final Fantasy 3. I remember waiting until the exact due-date of the game and running out to Toys R Us and buying the game. That was some time, I was so enthused and happy about purchasing FF3 and spent hour after hour playing.

    I'm not sure why, but Next Generation games just don't excite me like the games of the SNES could. Lets hope that the SNES will enjoy a long life, even after declared dead.

    SNES is the best!

    Wayne wrote (11/02/99):

    I remember purchasing the Super NES in the fall of 1992 for $139.99 with two controllers and Super Mario World. SMW is an awesome game that seems to never loose it's replay value. This was only the beginning, next, I got Super Star Wars for Christmas. I was totally blown away by the music and graphics. I found Super Castlevania for $32 which was actually very cheap in '92. Back then, it seemed liked there were soo many games to look forward to every month. Just the other day, I walked into a video rental store and they had several Super NES games for $3.95 each!!! Unfortunately, I owned most of the games that I would be interested in, like DKC, the whole Star Wars Trilogy, Aladdin, Killer Instinct, and others.

    The Super Nintendo controller has always been my favorite because it feels like it was meant to be in your hands. The Super Gameboy is an awesome accessory for the SNES; it beats playing those good Gameboy games on a tiny screen like "The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening". The Super NES, in my opinion, is NOT showing it's age like the NES did because the games still look pretty smooth (especially games like the DKC series).

    Much like the Nintendo 64DD, I heard that the Playstation was going to be a Super NES adapter at one time (very strange). I have owned a Playstation for over 2 years and I only own one game. There is one Playstation game that has a "Super NES" quality to it, and that game is "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night". This game is awesome, and it combines some of best elements found in Super Metroid, Zelda, and Super Castlevania IV. I also own the N64, and it's certainly a better system than the Playstation. The problem is, is that the games tend to only be really good when Nintendo or Rare makes the game. Super Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Zelda: OoT, Banjo-Kazooie, and Diddy Kong Racing are all excellent games. But there are times when the Super NES games are better than their N64 predecessors. Killer Instinct didn't have the sound or the graphics that Killer Instinct Gold had, but the play control was much better and the game was just more fun to play on the Super NES. Overall, if I had to pick "one" system to own, it would be the Super NES. But the Nintendo 64 is still a good system, and it's certainly a better system when compared to the Playstation, Saturn, or even the Dreamcast. Hopefully, the Dolphin will bring back some of the Super NES qualities. It would have been great if Nintendo would have made a portable Super NES like the Sega's Nomad.

    Z.L.O. says:

    Nothing beats the SNES so far, in my opinion as well. :-) The next gen systems do offer good games in their own different ways but too bad that they've totally dismissed the good old 2D. You're right about Castlevania: SOTN on Playstation, that game is really good. It does remind the player of the good old SNES times, no question about it.

    Now about the Playstation being an SNES add-on. It was supposed to be a CD-ROM drive (similar to the Sega CD for Genesis), but the deal never came through because Nintnedo and Sony couldn't reach an agreement on who's going to be the boss of the CD-ROM deal, obviously. ;-) The CD-ROM add-on was actually supposed to be called "Playstation", and after the project died Sony kept the name for their "super-console"...which of course if the today's Playstation 32bit system.

    It would be cool, yes, to have a portable SNES like Sega Nomad (portable Sega Genesis system), but I doubt that something like that will ever see the lights of the day due to the upcoming 32bit Gameboy system (aka Gameboy Advance).

    Anyways, thanks for a great letter Wayne! :-) Take care.

    Should I sell my N64?

    Chris wrote (10/03/99):

    I have an N64 and I have had it for about 2 years and I only have one game. I didn't buy anymore 'cause the system bores me. I was thinking about trading it in for a Super Nintendo, should I??? Could I get a good deal??? I used to have a Sega and I liked that better than N64. I think your site is great!!!!! It really has me pumped up about the Super Nes!!!!!!! Well write me back if you can!!! My name is Chris, I'm 22 years old and I live in Maryland. Keep up the good work and take care. Thanks again.

    Z.L.O. says:

    You definitely should get an SNES in case you're not satisfied with your N64. The most important thing is to play the games that YOU like. I can only suggest getting an SNES because in my opinion and in the opinion of all members of this site, the SNES does have a larger and better game library than the N64 that features lots of quality RPGs from Squaresoft, shooting, platform, and in general, games of any genre. Sure the graphics and sound aren't the same as on N64 but it's the games and gameplay that matters. But you know what. SNES is so cheap nowadays, I think that you may even not have to sell your N64 setup in order to afford one with a few games. :-)

    Less and less SNES games out there?

    Coconarney wrote (08/31/99):

    Quite a while ago, I went to the video store to rent one of my all time favorite games, Kirby Super Star. I was looking, and looking, but I didn't see the SNES section. I started to panic a little, so I asked the clerk where the SNES games were. She said that they stopped putting them out for rent because they were too old. I almost dropped dead right then and there! Ever since then, I have noticed that no more places had SNES games out for rent anymore, and VERY few ones for sale. I am now trying to get my two favorite games, Kirby Super Star, and the original Super Bomberman before it's too late.

    Big SNES Fan,

    Lord Nazerous says:

    Coconarney, It's true that SNES games are becoming harder and harder to find now a days. For me, I know I've gone on a buying binge so that I don't miss out on any great games that I could possibly get new. (Or even some rare used ones) So I would totally go crazy looking for your games, because once they're gone... They're going to be hard to find.

    My Super Nintendo Bio.

    Eric wrote (06/28/99):

    I am really moved by your web page supporting the SNES. I always wanted a NES when I was young. My mom did not believe in having video games babysitting us. But what she did not realize it made me hungrier and hungrier for a video game system. Then the NES age passed and then came the SNES. Me and my 2 brothers tried in vain to convince my mom to buy the SNES but to no avail. Until my mom found out that my cousins recieved a SNES for Christmas. After having a long talk with my aunt, she decided to give us a SNES for Christmas. During Christmas break we would stay up till 3am and play Super Mario World and NBA Super Tecmo Basketball. After playing those games strong for a couple of months Donkey Kong Country came into our household. I beat the game in two days somewhat dissapointed on how quickly it took me to beat it but I realized that I did not find everything in the game. It took another 2 months to find everything. My mom being very strict on no fighting games was forced into playing sports games and stupid games like the Flintstones (to this day I will never touch that cheesy game again). Our favorite games were always the football games. We would go through an entire season in two weeks. The tragic day came when my brother decided to buy a Playstation. At first I was at awe at the graphics but It did not take long to start to hate it. The only game my brother had at the time was NBA Extreme. I spent more time waiting for that stupid game to load than to play it. I left for college leaving the SNES and the Playstation behind. About the middle of my freshman year my neighbor was playing the NES. We played Blades of Steel and Super Tecmo Bowl for hours. This prompted my to buy a NES (plus a friend at work gave me 30 games for free because it was taking space). I played the NES for a year and still enjoy the games but still needed more. I went home over Spring Break and start playing the SNES. I was loving it. Seeing if I can still find everything in Donkey Kong Country was a trip to me. My brother would yell at me to play the Playstation to no avail. This prompted me to buy a SNES at a garage sale with Madden 96 for $25. At the same time the video stores were selling all SNES games for $5.00. I took home Mortal Kombat 2 (luckily I don't live at home anymore), FF2, SSF2, Illusion of Gaia, Legend of Zelda, and 4 sports titles. Now I have around 20 SNES titles and i am still searching for more. I have friends tease me about playing the SNES (and I enjoy playing them in their games) but for the most part I perfer the SNES version better. Anybody that tells me that MArio Cart 64 is better than the SNES version needs brain surgery. Sure the 64 version has more options but on the SNES version I don't have to listen to Mario's annoying voice when he wipes out. The double decker battle mode also sucks. Super Mario Cart is not meant to be "hi-tech", it should be fun. Another reason I like the SNES better is the camera angles. There is nothing more annoying than having to move your camera angle every 15 seconds to see straight. I also have the 64 controllers. They are two awckward in my hand. They just suck, Playstation is more tolerable because it is basically a modification of the SNES. Overall I like the SNES better but their are only a few games that I really enjoy on the 64/Playstation. Those would be the wrestling games. But for enery other game I would take the SNES anyday.

    Z.L.O. says:

    Whoa, that was a pretty long but certainly interesting letter you sent in. :) You are absolutelly right about the N64/Playstation thing. There are good games for both systems, but overall it is really quite clear that SNES' game library has to offer better gameplay and more fun. It's too bad that people today don't care about Super Nintendo anymore just because it's not as popular as it used to be. Ah well...the most important thing is that YOU are playing what you like. Who gives a $*%#@! about what others think! :)

    Thank you for writing and shariing your thoughts on SNES.

    The best site for the best system!

    Steve wrote (06/05/99):

    Let me start of by saying that your site rocks. It does more than justice to the greatest system ever. I own all of the systems ecxept the dreamcast and me and my friends always play the SNES the most.

    This system does not have the greatest graphics but it sure has the classic gameplay and flawless game design. I own 57 SNES games and let me tell you that the are some HARD CORE classics and they are as follows:

    Contra 3, Super Bomberman 2, Axelay, Space Megaforce, Choplifter 3, Final Fantasy 3, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario cart (better than Super Mario Cart 64 because of its balance and gameplay), R Type 3, Sunset Riders, Super Off Road, Super mario allstars, etc...

    The list goes on and on. How come I can not name a list like this for all the "next generation" systems? Probably because there are no class "A" games. Every time I buy a "next generation" game I return it after a month. I do not do that with SNES games. I go back and play them all of the time.

    I wish Gun Star heroes and Ring King would have come out for SNES. Even though I have Gun star Heroes for Genesis it's not the same. The SNES would have done justice to these two games.

    Peace and keep up the great work on this site!

    Lord Nazerous says:

    Those are some great games you've mentioned up there Steve. Now I'm not one to choose a Next Generation game over a classic, but I must confess that I do enjoy some games with great graphical effects (As long as they have gameplay). But you're right, outside of a few good next generation games, there really isn't that many great games.

    On any given day I can go down to a comic book store, or an electronics store and buy a SNES game at random and usually come home very happy. (I think I only bought one mediocre game for $2 using this method!) There's so many great games on the SNES I doubt I will ever own all the classics or even all the games I want.

    Long live the Super Nintendo!

    Bad Games?

    Stephen wrote (06/03/99):

    I've heard a lot of mixed reviews about which games are the best for snes. Every single games seems to be the best for the system. But every game system has a few bad eggs , the nitendo 64 just has alot more. Nobody wants to talk about the bad games. If there is such thing as a bad super nintendo game, which games do you consider the worst or least worth getting?

    Lord Nazerous says:

    Every System has at least a few bad games, and the SNES is no exception. Some of the worst games are Spiderman and the X-men, Ys 3- Wanderers from Ys and Primal Rage. There are of course other games, but these seem to be horrible games.

    SNES vs The Rest.

    Fivemishras wrote (05/26/99):

    Firstly cheers for an excellent information source for the SNES. I bought my first SNES this year 1999 and your page has really helped me find my way round what games to get for the SNES.

    I have a playstation so why would I want to buy a SNES ? Well generally my friends come round every tuesday to play on the station often with link up. There were quite a few raised eyebrows when the SNES appeared on the cabinet. I was asked why do you want one of those? Whats the point the station is better blah blah. I answered that I was fed up of watching FF7 and wanted to PLAY some RPG's. So I told them the reason I had the SNES was for playing some of the best RPG's ever. They weren't convinced it was worth it. 8-)

    The SNES sat there a few tuesdays completly ignored boo hoo 8-) until some happened to ask if I had a copy of Super Mario Kart. Of course I said (with a slight grin on my face). The SNES was promptly set up on the 2nd telly went head to head for attention with tekken3 and didn't get turned off all night 8-). Comments ranged from "Hasn't this aged well" to "I cant believe how quick this is !" to " Wow I luv this game I had forgotten how good it was".

    This for me just proved the point made on your page that yeh right the SNES doesn't have the best graphics anymore but its GAME PLAY is good enough to stop people playing Tekken3, for a bit of Battle Mode fun on the SNES.

    Cheers and thanks again,

    Z.L.O. says:

    We are glad that other people too see the goodness of the SNES nowadays since it is greatly overshadowed by the next generation systems. You are totally right when you say that SNES' RPGs are excellent. There's so many good ones from Square, like Chrono Trigger, the Final Fantasy series, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Super Mario RPG, etc.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

    It's all about GamePlay.

    Greame Kirkpatrick wrote (03/30/99):

    Hi people, I think your site is great and your right on the mark about most 'new' game being all about graphics. I live in Scotland and being a student am pretty scint most of the time. I saw all my mates with there playstations and Saturns and N64's, so I went out one day and decided to buy a console for myself. I couldn't afford a new one so I was wandering around all the second hand stores when I saw a SNES for £20 and on impulse just bought it and a few games. By the time I got home I was pretty worried that I had done a stupid thing, I mean the SNES is 6 years old if its a day. But once I stared playing the games I realised that I could not have got a better deal. The games are fantastic and a lot better than anything else I have played on a playstaion for example. They are simply designed and the gameplay in brilliant. The point I am making is that although all the new systems have great graphics and sound it seems like they have sacrificed gameplay to compensate. I hope I have not bored you too much. Just one last thing, do you have any idea if Street figher 2 Alpha was ever realesed is the UK as I can't find it anywhere?

    Lord Nazerous says:

    I'm glad you enjoy the Super Nintendo. Far too many people these days are willing to sacrifice Gameplay for a neat looking graphic. As far as SF:Alpha 2... well I'm not sure if it was released. But you can check for some PAL information.

    Mega Man Fan.

    Meg Man Fan wrote (01/28/99):

    Hiya, guys! It's about time I found a good SNES on the web! Great job! I just thought you might want to hear my history of gaming (although I'm only 13 :0).

    Well, I remember when I was five or so and would just LOVE to go to my friends house an play MM3. I never owned an NES, but boy did I want to! Shortly after the SNES was released, I bought a Genesis ( :0P - Am I the only one who thinks it feels WAY too Japanese, although that's good SOMETIMES) because I loved Sonic.

    I sold my Genesis to purchase an N64, and $200 was a LOT of money for a 10 year old. Anyways, I traded it in for a PSX (A decision I'm still glad I made, even though N64 has more quality games) because of my deep love for MM.

    Anyways, I always wanted an SNES, and I finally went out and purchased me one! I just creamed SMWII (a very amazing game).

    Thanks for the great resource, as I have yet to even PLAY most of the great games I know exist on the SNES. The SNES has the highest quality feel (why is that?) of any system. I, unlike most people, believe GAMEPLAY makes the game (although graphics enhance the experience).

    Well, thanks for reading my dragged-out letter with a very happy ending.


    Lord Nazerous says:

    I'm not too sure why the SNES has such a quality feel to it. Maybe it's just the fact that the games are great. Or it could be that the SNES is highly durable. But at any rate, it's a great a system. I'm probably not as big of a Mega Man fan as you are. But I really enjoy all of his games. If you're interested in any of his SNES games... I highly suggest the Mega Man X series. IT adds a bit of a new twist to an old legend.

    Old Games.

    Bob Wilson wrote (01/11/99):

    I went into my local video-rental store (Video Update) last week and to my surprise I saw a rack of Super Nintendo games for sale. It appears that they're clearing their shelves of old Super Nintendo and Genesis games to make room for the newer systems. They had a bunch of excellent titles for sale including Zelda: A Link to the Past, Pilotwings, F-Zero, Final Fight, Chronotrigger, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy III, and many others. They had over 100 titles for sale. The best part about this was that all the games were priced at $10.00 and UNDER!!!! Who can beat that. I snatched up about 15 great games for about $120.00!! A word to the wise: video chains have all their stores do the same be on the look out for excellent Super Nintendo games at great prices!

    Lord Nazerous says:

    Thanks for the tip. I'll be going out to my local Video Update tommorrow definitly to check out some really cool games!

    Super Mario World?.

    Zephryhils wrote (01/01/99):

    I can't help it! I've always wanted a video game system since I can remember! And finally! For my 13th birthday, i bought a Super Nintendo! I played on it for countless hours(donkey kong country of course : o ), the game that came with the system. When I finally finished, I loved the ending. I hear everone I know is always bragging anout their new N64, or their Sega, or something! But I just don't relize what is wrong with the original!!!! The ending was simple, yet enjoyable. Funny also. Well, now to the reason of my letter! My all-time fave game will always be super mario world. It's very simple, yet entertaining. What I'm complaining about is that there are no signs of interest for this game at all! Mario is the backbone of nintendo! I never find any walk throughs or help. No info! No nothing!!!!! I still need help finding somethings, but there is no 1 2 help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every1 should pay more attention to the classics. Thats all i say.

    Lord Nazerous says:

    Zephryhils, you're right! No one every pays attention or gives the classics thier just due! Super Mario World is one of the best games ever made. It's simple but still fun, like you said. But it also has loads of secrets for the more experianced player. As for being stuck in the game.. lemme guess the world. "Forest of Illusions." Right? My e-mail gets flooded every week with questions regaurding this level. So here's a simple answer for everyone out there: In Super Mario World, every level (Except Ghost Houses and Castles) has either a red or yellow 'jewl' in the center of it. If there is a yellow jewl - the level has only one possible way to beat it. If there is a red jewel - the level can be beaten two ways, one through the end banner and the second through some sort of secret. In the forest of Illusions, you MUST find at least one of these secret endings to advance to the next world. By the way ALL Ghost Houses have two endings. (Just like the red jewled levels.) Hope this helps all of you out there.

    Battery backup.

    KMcdannel wrote (12/15/98):

    I just saw your website and found it interesting. I still own a super nes and genesis. The graphics are dated but i am still hooked on streets of rage and final fight. My biggest problem with both systems is the battery backup. Once the battery died you couldn't save information. Once a few of my battery backup games died i quit buying games for these systems. Nintendo and sega should have had a compartment on the outside of the cartridge to replace the battery. Something similar to the internal memeory for the sega saturn. Other than that both systems have hundreds of excellent games.

    Lord Nazerous says:

    To tell you the truth, I have never had a problem with the battery backups in any of my games or game systems. I have the original Final Fantasy for the NES and that is well over ten years old. The battery still works perfectly on it. Same goes for Kirby's Adventure on the NES. I have heard of the battery going dead on a few people, but this has never happened to me or someone I know. I think the batteries are pretty long lived, but they aren't invincible. They should have built in a place to replace the battery if neccesarry!

    No new games?

    C-J wrote (12/15/98):

    I've been searching for new SNES games & Everywhere I go stores say the aren't going to be any new games. Is this true? If so I'll be really pissed due to the fact that I got the system last year for Xmas. What's the real scoop?

    Lord Nazerous says:


    The fact of the matter is that there will only be about two new games comming out for the system, Frogger (wich just came out) and Kirby's Super Star Stacker.

    I would like to see more games come out, but it's not going to happen. Howevere there's a ton of cool games being re-released and hundreds of awesome games already out there. Some of the games being re-released are:

    Contra 3
    Space Invaders
    Donkey Kong Country (1,2 & 3)
    The Star Wars trilogy
    Alien 3
    Jungle Strike
    Urban Strike

    Not to mention all the great games out there right now:

    Zelda- A link to the past.
    Super Mario RPG
    Tetris Attack
    Super Mario World (1&2)
    Killer Instinct
    Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

    and the list goes on....

    Hope this helps, there's hundreds of games out there, both new and used, you just gotta know where to look. ( has the best selectionon used SNES games)

    It all started from the SNES...

    PowayCLOUD wrote (11/19/98):

    If your ask me, I think SNES is the system that truly got the video game market rolling. I hate to see people bad mouth it because I know, from hours upon hours of gameplay that it's one of the best systems around. I do however think that graphic's improve the over all satisfaction of a game. In fact I probably would have enjoy FF3 if it had the look that FF7 does.

    However, I think N64 is one of the worst systems ever made. Nintendo made a huge mistake when they kept cloning the same rainbow filled games over and over. Do they really expect people to buy practically the same game?! That where the SNES is strong. There is such a variety in the games, you can never get bored!

    From a SNES lover,


    Lord Nazerous says:

    Like I always say, graphics don't make a game. While FF7's graphics were far superior, I felt as though it lacked the superb story lines of FF2 & 3. Indeed the SNES is the greatest system yet made, and helped a great deal to get the market flowing. But I must disagree with you on the N64. The N64 was very weak when it first came out. But it had the only true 3-D video game out there, Mario 64. It took a year or two for the N64 to gain speed, but now look at the great games for it: Banjo-Kazooie, Turok, Golden Eye, Wipeout 64, and tons more. Not to even mention Zelda64, which has been proclaimed as the greatest game ever in Japan. But back to the Snes, if your looking for good graphics in the system I suggest the following games; Super Metroid, The Donkey Kong Country Series, and Jurassik Park.

    New SNES info!

    Nick wrote (10/24/98):

    A few days ago I e-mailed the Nintendo company about the SNES and I thought I would e-mail you their reply.

    Reply from Nintendo:


    The Super NES has been out for nearly seven years, and players are demanding games that are beyond its capabilities. There have been about 700 games released for this system, so there are plenty of great titles to play. The day of the Super NES is certainly not over, but we are focusing more on new games for the Nintendo 64 and the Game Boy as there is presently a higher demand for these games.

    If you are having trouble locating a particular title, you can try contacting the company that released it. They may be able to sell it directly or suggest a source you could purchase it through. If the game was released by Nintendo, or you do not know who produced it, you can call our Consumer Service Representatives at 1-800-255-3700 for more information. In general, we don't sell games directly, but occasionally, we have a few previously-played games available. These are in such limited supply that we do not publish a list.

    You might also be interested to know that we are currently forecasting the sale of over one million Super NES units this year. Because we want to make sure there are plenty of Super NES games available, many of our most popular Super NES games are being re-released as "Player's Choice" titles.

    Player's Choice game paks are proven video game classics and are considered just as much fun for the new Super NES owners of today as they were when they were first introduced. The best part is that Player's Choice titles are reduced in price! Please check the retailers in your area that sell Nintendo products for price and availability.

    Here is a list of upcoming Player's Choice titles for the Super NES:

    September 98: Donkey Kong Country 2, Super Star Wars, Kirby's Avalanche and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

    October 98: Space Invaders, Super Mario All-Stars, Super Mario Kart and Tetris 2

    November 98: Donkey Kong Country 3, F-Zero, Tetris/Dr. Mario and Vegas Stakes

    Nintendo of America Inc.
    Mike Chandler

    Lord Nazerous says:


    Thanks for the info. We didn't know about much of it in there!

    Z.L.O. says:

    Thanks to both DODGEV1515 and Mike from Nintendo for providing this site with such a great piece of information.

    SNES is the best!

    pappy64 wrote (10/11/98):


    I have a N64, a SNES, 2 NES's, a Sega Genesis. With all these i can pretty much say that graphics doesn't matter all that much. I can sit down and play NES and be just as happy as playing the brand new "HOT N64 game". It all depends on your game taste, and i think that The Legend of Zelda for SNES is one of the greatest games ever made. It takes the good from the first Zelda on the NES and improves everything tenfold. Great graphics show off some good parts of the system along with the sounds. Also SNES is much better than Genesis i hate to say it but it is true. The Genesis is only good for one thing to me, and that is to play a few good games such as sonic (there is a poor example of graphics) and the world series baseball series. The SNES's only weakness that i can see is some of the sport game translations turned out better on the Genesis. And all the Sega add ons didn't help the system one bit, i owned everyone. None did as much as they were supposed to. But anyways i still think the SNES is just as good as any system on the market now, or ever. SNES really helped pave the road for video games, it showed that the NES wasn't just a fluke in games.


    Lord Nazerous says:


    With graphics, my philosophy is that; Graphics don't make a game, but they can help or destroy it. I'm not a huge graphics person myself, but I do appreciate some 'Eye Candy' every now and then.

    And I personally believe that the Super Nintendo is far better than the Genesis. But I do believe that you were right in stating that most sports games, run a little slower on the SNES than the SG. However..there are always exceptions.

    The Super Nintendo is the BEST system on the market...what are you talking about???? :-)

    Yellow Super Nintendo! ;)

    Cya wrote (10/11/98):

    First of all, i just want to say 'Cool!' i didn't know that there were actually other people out there that feel the same way that i do about super nintendo. I have always thought (and still do) that super nintendo was the best video game system ever. anyways...I bought my super nintendo for $200 back in november of 1991 when i came out, and about a year ago, the bottom half of my super nintendo started to change to a yellowish-beige tint. I figured that it was just age, but the wierd part is that it's just the bottom half. The really REALLY wierd part is that two of my friends that have had super nintendos for about as long as i have, have had the exact opposite happen to them...the TOP half turned colors...more of a definite yellow than mine, but yellowish nonetheless. go figure. I just though you might find that interesting (if you didn't know already) since you're such a devout nintendo follower as i am. I also wanted to add one other of the stupid kinds of things that i notice...on the back of early super nintendos there was a red and white sticker with the phone number for the nintendo service line. on the newer super nintendos (not the redesigned ones, but just ones made after 91 or 92) there is a sticker in the same place with the same number but it is gray and white instead of red and white. Just something to let you know how long someone's been a super nintendo follower... :)


    Lord Nazerous says:

    I've also noticed this discoloration in my own Super Nintendo. But to a lesser extent. My SNES was kept in a cabinet for the first six years I owned it, so it wouldn't show quite as much wear. But this isn't an unusual problem, many used Super Nintendo system in stores, show the same discolorization. As for each half of the system changing at different times or to different digrees, the SNES has two major peices for it's casing. I bet if you compared your system to a brand new (Old Style) you'd find that the top of yours is discolored compared to the new one. I think the discolorization is due to dust that can accumulate on it. That's probably why Nintendo opted to make the N64 Black, to mask any discolorization.

    Also, thanks for the interesting tidbit on the Super Nintendo stickers. I noticed that too a little while ago when I was helping a friend install their used SNES ! :)

    It's needless to say that I agree with you, in that the Super Nintendo is the greatest system ever!

    An after thought:

    Wouldn't it be cool if Nintendo produced actual 'Yellow' SNES's? Not a discolored System..but a yellow color, like the N64 controller!

    Cya responds (10/11/98):

    I Know quite a few people who have 'yellow' super nintendos, but its only the top or bottom half (usually the top) mine's yellow on the bottom. anyway, if you thought the sticker thing was wierd, a few other things that have changed on super nintendos (in order to save money on production costs, of course) are: On the newer super nintendos (again, not the redesigned ones, but the ones that came out right before those)was the eject button. On the older super nintendos the word 'eject' was printed with paint on the gray button with white letters. on the newer ones, the word eject was etched in the button with no white paint. It was raised out of the plastic (the opposite way the word 'nintendo' was carved into the system in the upper right hand corner on the top of the system). Another thing was that they removed the rubber circles on the bottom of the unit. And finally, on the controller that came with both the last of the newer old design super nintendos and the redesigned ones, the word 'nintendo' that used to be printed at the top of the controller in gray writing is now also carved into the plastic like the logo in the upper right hand corner on the top of the system. I guess they changed all of this to reduce production costs...less paint, and no rubber stoppers...cheaper, yes, but i still think the old super nintendos feel a heck of alot more solid and sturdy than the redesigned ones (and the genesis for that matter) I have one question for anyone who is really into super nintendo would know: around 1993 the design of the cartridge changed. The only thing i can see that the change affected was adding the ability to be able to eject the game while the unit was turned on. Do you know of any other reasons why they changed the design of the cartridge? Also around 1993, nintendo stopped providing the clear covers for the cartridges... again to save money i assume. Cool well thanks for taking the time to read my incoherent blurb...tell me of any wierd super nintendo facts that you know...


    Lord Nazerous says:


    I've also noticed these small differences between the two system. Sadly I can only think of one more oddity off the top of my head. Both the new designed SNES, and the newer model of the original style, were packed with controllers that only had "Nintendo" etched into them, rather than the gray paint on "Super Nintendo". But I believe that Nintendo did this, not to save money, but to spark interest for collectors.

    I have no clue why Nintendo changed their Cart design. I can only guess; The carts don't fit as well into unliscenced game enhances like Game Genie. The carts use a little less material, and are lighter in weight.

    And back to the yellow tinted SNES... I've seen all both the top and the bottom 'change' colors about the same amount so, I really just think that the color change is very common...

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go wash my Super Nintendo :)

    Should I get a used or a new SNES?

    Nick wrote (10/06/98):


    Its nice to see someone with a devotion to games that aren't just eye candy. Although I own a Playstation, graphics are the last thing I look at. One of my favorite games ever is Super Mario 3 for the 8-bit system. Anyway, I want to buy a SNES, mainly for the Final Fantasy games but since I decided about a week ago I have realized how many good games are on this system. Before I buy however, I have a couple of questions.
    1. Should I buy a used console from one of my friends for $30, or spend $50 for a new one. I know the buttons on the console are different, anything else?

    2. Do you know any good places to get SNES games? Target carries some, but I definitely don't want to go to Funco Land (a used games place) because they rip you off.

    3. My friend insists that Final Fantasy 4 was released for the SNES but I have never seen it. Is he right?

    4. Are there any other sites on the web that would have more reviews?

    Your site is great an I would like to know if you can recommend any others. Thanks for your time, if you know any "must-have" games please tell me.


    Lord Nazerous says:

    Dear Nick,

    Thanks for writing.

    1.If your friend is offering you games with the SNES for $30 it sounds like a good deal... But you have to take in consideration how well your friend takes care of his/her system. If they treat it very well and the system looks clean, Go for it. But if your friend is really rough with the system, and doesn't treat it well, I'd say your better off buying a new system. (You can find both new and old style systems in most stores.) I haven't personally played the new system, so I would recommend the old style of the SNES.

    2.You can find a good selection of SNES games at Toys 'R' Us, Electronics Boutique, Babbages, and many Department Stores. As for FuncoLand..well they do rip people of in some things...but some games can be bought at VERY cheap prices. For example, Metal Combat $2.49!!! Drakkhen $7.99! And there's tons more... but you have to look for the bargains.

    3.Your friend is sort of right. You see Final Fantasy Four was the name for Final Fantasy Two in Japan. So when your playing's the equivalent of FF4 in Japan!

    4. As far as I know the Super Nintendo Zone is the fastest growing web site devoted only to the SNES. But check the links section..there's a couple good sites in it.

    And lastly, due to reader demand the Super Nintendo Zone will be putting up "Must Buy" Symbols on all of our reviewed games that are ...A MUST BUY!

    A true SNES lover! :)

    Gunboat wrote (10/01/98):


    I am a 12 year old kid who loves video games. Yes, I was a gamer since I was two. First regular Nintedo. GREAT system. Simple yet fun. Although it resembled coin-op games more than a home gaming system (in gameplay), it provided me with literally hundreds of hours of fun. Then, my dream came true. When I first read about Super Nintedo in Nintendo Power Magazine, I was mezmorized. I started acting frantic, like the child I was (around 5 or 6) and ran to my mother and father and begged them for the system. My grandparents finally brought it for me when it came out (for my birthday) and I fell in love.

    At this moment, I knew I had fallen in love with SNES. I was astounded by SNES. Then of course I got Sega Geneisis and had fun with that too. But I definitly think SNES was the best video game system ever (Intellivision came in second on my list).

    But slowly, I saw SNES's popularity decrease slowly as other systems came out, like the 32-X (which I actually liked) or other systems like NeoSys or something. Then I got into computers and my SNES, NES and Geneisis started collecting dust. I eventually sold them (a mistake which I regret to this day) all including the games and recieved only about $60 bucks (canadian).

    I recently got N64 and PSX. BLEH! I think N64 is crap and PSX is really just waiting for the game to load and jazzy graphics. You start to loose your imagination after a while of playing these games, which is a horrible thing.

    Tommorow, however, I am going to my local video games store and buying a SNES (used or new) and some Role-Playing games and Action games. This is something that should not go un noticed. SNES should have a second generation, maybe a new more stylish exterior, but the same system. And they should start making the classics again.

    So, if you've read up to this point, you know I've been a gamer my whole life. My point of writing this however is to know something. Am I alone? Do other people think the way I do?

    Thank you for taking time to read this E-Mail.

    Z.L.O. says:

    Hey, thanks a lot for writing. We indeed need more letters like this one. You are not alone. There are a lot of people who share the same opinion as yours about the goodness of the SNES. We are glad that you decited to share your feelings about the good old SNES here at the Super Nintendo Zone! :) Thanks again! :)

    The best games are on the PSX and N64.

    Vid wrote (9/13/98):

    First off I think your page is cool. But I have to dissagree, Playstation and N64 make some of the best games. Like the Tekken games, golden eye, mario 64, resedent evil, etc. But you are right there are alot of better games (not better than the ones I listed) than the newer ones. But you left out the BEST SNES game made Chrono Trigger. Man! This took me over a month to even get to the end, even with a walkthrough! Without a walkthough you'd think you're gonna win soon every 5 minutes. It's so in depth. Great sound track, it took me two hours just to save Marlie's ancestor from the beginning. I mean, they didn't do any half assing when making this game!

    Z.L.O. says:

    Thanks for the comments about the site. We do believe that PSX and N64 both have games of high quality but not in such large quantities as the SNES does. Many game developers concentrate on how good the graphics of a game are and not how good the gameplay is.
    Chrono Trigger left out? Nope, you didn't look very carefuly. There's a review of it in our REVIEWS section. Thanks for the feedback.

    Sega Genesis is better than SNES!

    Jake Horan wrote (9/01/98):

    The super Nintendo was good but the Sega genesis was the better of the 16-bit systems more people bought it and there are more games for it.

    Z.L.O. says:

    Sega Genesis is a great system and I personally own one, but it certainly is not better, nor has been sold more, and with more games than SNES. If you don't count the Sega CD and 32x titles, Sega Genesis and SNES were pretty close to each other with the number of titles released for each system and the numbers of each system sold, even though Sega Genesis has had a head start of almost 2 years. Also, in the year of 1996, Genesis commercials completely dissapeared from TV in favour of the Saturn commercials while SNES has had some of its best selling games in that period, that even sold better than the Saturn games, and those SNES games were magnificent both in gameplay and graphics. Lets not forget that none of the Genesis games can't even get close in graphics to Donkey Kong Country series on SNES, maybe even none of the Sega CD and 32x games.

    No respect for the SNES.

    Angered Overlord wrote (9/01/98):

    I have to go back to school tomorrow and I'm not too excited about it. Not because of the classes, but because of being surrounded by people who would rather play Extreme 2 for Playstation than Final Fantasy 3. It's so sad that the majority of casual gamers opinion is 3d good, 2d bad. Me personally I'd rather play Super Metroid than Tomb Raider and all it's clones. About 5 months ago somebody I know at school recieved a copy of Chrono Trigger for his birthday. He played it for 2 days and then traded it at funcoland towards Cool Boarders 2 for Playstation. This story makes me physically ill every time I replay it in my head, Super Nintendo will never recieve the honor it deserves.

    Lord Nazerous says:

    Unfortunatly that's how everyone sees video games today. They want shiny new 3-D doesn't matter if they stink, or even if they 'sacrafice' a few exellent games to get them. The way to handle these 'eyecandy addicts' is to point out the fact that their games have no substance or Game-Play compared to the older systems..mainly SNES :) And as long as The Super Nintendo Zone is up and running, we'll do our best to honor the system, and give you, the readers, information and reviews on games and peripherals. (Among other things)

    What's new is cool and nothing else!

    Duck~Duck wrote (8/22/98):

    I like Super Nintendo..My brother has it.....It's cool.....He used to play it a lot before he got Playstation..yes...I said Playstaion....HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Well, anyway, we used to play Supermario Bros. a lot...until he beat it for the seventh time....then Christmas came and that poor little game system hasn't been used since....It was shoved into the back of the entertainment center..hehehe..We were cleaning one time and I found it. I set it up and cleaned it off and put it back into it's the front of the the OLD nintendo....then I saw that bueayiful brand spankin new playstation and quickly shoved it ( being the snes ) back to where it was so that every one could see our new system. So, as of now, this is how the line up of our "system shelf" goes. OLD nintendo in the back, then snes, then Playstation. The moral of this story~ There really isn't one. Just how socity puts so much pressure on how we and our things look, that to stay in with the "in" crowd; the "up to date" crowd, we must constantly be buying the newest systems. What would someone that was more than a little financialy sucure think if they walked into a house with a black and white TV, a wash basin instead of a sink, and an out house instead of of indoor plumbing? They would think they were poor and stupid. Now if they walked in to a house with the newest and best of everything, they would think that these people were smart and wealthy. That just goes to show how much socity has an influence in our lifes. I'm done now.

    Lord Nazerous says:

    Unfortunatly this writer and the writers brother subscribe to what I call the "Old Theory" They beleive that "just because it's old, it's no good anymore". The Old Theory also falls into the "Graphics Theory". Today people care more about how a game looks, rather than how it plays. Now-a-days people want to be marveled at the graphics of a game, rather than actually enjoy it, and have fun. I believe that a game could look like a motion picture, but if it's Game Play's got nothing going for it. I would also like to say this...what worth more? A brand new phone that was thrown together in a factory and has millions of duplicates. Or an antique phone that was hand crafted and is a 'One of a Kind'?

    Duck~Duck Responds: (8/25/98):

    Okay, I think that you guys are crazy! Who cares if the game doesn't have that good of a plot?? If it has great graphics, it's good enough!! Graphics are what make the game! For example, what would you rather play? Final Fantisy 1, or Final Fantisy 7? FF7 of course!! It's awsome! They have a pretty well rounded plot, and AWSOME movies! Another example Tomb Raider vs. FF7. At the end of T.R. it has a wimpy little movie of her riding away! It's pitiful!! it's a total let down!! You worked all this time for a 3 second shot of her ridinig a boat!? Then, there's (once again) FF7, You worked through 3 cds for this game, and at the end you are rewarded with with a long, at least 5 min. movie! And, if you wait through the credits, you get another movie!! You come out of that game feeling great!

    Lord Nazerous says:

    First off let me say thank you to 'Duck~Duck' for proving my point with Tomb Raider. Movies aren't needed and in fact can be a hinderance to Game Play and the end plot. On Final Fantasy III, you recieved a 45 minute ending. None of it was a movie, but it was done in real time, so it didn't take up a lot of space. I left the game feeling over satisfied. Final Fantasy VII has a very weak plot. All the movies and special effects in the world can't save it. It may have a great plot to someone who hasn't played any of the previous Final Fantasy games, but compared to what Square-soft has done in the past, it was horrible. Graphics only help the game, Game Play is what makes it. It's sad that so many people don't realize this, and beleive that junk is a great game..merly because of it's graphics. And to answer Duck~Duck's question, I'd rather play Final Fantasy 1 than FFVII for one simple reason. Game Play...

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